DiscoverThis Naked Mind PodcastHealing Through Self-Love: Cole’s Naked Life | E737
Healing Through Self-Love: Cole’s Naked Life | E737

Healing Through Self-Love: Cole’s Naked Life | E737

Update: 2024-10-04


Have you ever felt like different parts of you are at war? 

Cole thought alcohol would always dominate his life. Drinking helped him cope with the grief of losing his father, and before he knew it, he couldn’t separate it from his identity. He endured many years of darkness and self-blame, feeling trapped in a war with himself. But one day, he decided it was time for a change. He committed to learning more about himself and soon found This Naked Mind, which gave him the clarity he needed. Not only did he find peace, but he also rediscovered his purpose—helping others as a coach. In this episode, Cole talks with Annie about his journey to finally embracing the different parts of himself. Together, they explore what it takes to move from putting yourself down to treating yourself with kindness.

In this episode, Annie and Cole will discuss:

- How alcohol provided relief from grief

- Drinking as a way to connect with his late father

- When alcohol became part of his identity

- The downward spiral of self-criticism

- The moment that marked his first step to freedom

- How This Naked Mind empowered his journey

- How journaling helped Cole face his demons

- Healing through self-love

- How to heal cognitive dissonance

- Why “mindful” breaks are useful

- Why demonizing part of yourself is counterproductive

- Embracing all the different sides of ourselves

- Why Cole is passionate about coaching

- And other topics…

Related Episodes:

EP 262: Reader Question – How do I deal with death and grief without alcohol: 

EP 654: Reader’s Question – Overcoming Subconscious Beliefs Around Self-Worth:

Other Resources:

Monthly Journaling Challenge: 

Ready to take the next step on your journey? 

Visit for free resources, programs, and more. Until next week, stay curious!









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Healing Through Self-Love: Cole’s Naked Life | E737

Healing Through Self-Love: Cole’s Naked Life | E737

Annie Grace